Protecting Seagrass Ecosystems
About Seagrass Network Cymru
Seagrass Network Cymru (SNC) is a collaborative platform that provides a unified voice to secure a future for seagrass in Wales.
SNC is a network of organisations and individuals with an interest in seagrass protection and restoration in Wales. It comprises of NGOs, academics, government and management agencies, and the private sector.
The network works to increase public awareness of the value of seagrass meadows across Wales, share expert knowledge, and drive coordinated action to support the protection and enhancement of Welsh seagrass meadows into the future through improved science, monitoring, management and education.
Our Work
Seagrass Network Cymru facilitates collaboration, data and knowledge sharing, and improved monitoring, management, and education through coordinated action across members.
The network helps to illustrate to the wider public all the benefits seagrass provides, using a coordinated and unified voice.