South & West Wales Restoration
Project Details
Project Seagrass are exploring the potential for seagrass restoration in the Llanelli and Cardiff areas, with the support of Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire Bays and Estuaries, and Severn Estuary Special Area of Conservation SAC Officers.
This project is one of the first in Wales to trial co-restoration of eelgrass Zostera marina and dwarf eelgrass Nanozostera noltei. Both seed-based and transplant methods of restoration will be trialled, at a small-scale. The planting trials will then be monitored regularly by the team to compare success rates of different methods.
This project builds on successful restoration in Dale Bay, re-seeding the restoration area and trialling transplants at the sites. The project is currently engaging with communities across all sites, sharing opportunities for involvement and input.
- Llanelli
- Cardiff
- Dale
- Project Seagrass
- Carmarthen Bays & Estuaries Site Officer
- Severn Estuary Partnership and European Marine Site Officer
- Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation Officer