Pembrokeshire Marine SAC management: Milford Haven waterway sensitive habitat protection zones
The voluntary sensitive habitat protection zones were developed with the aim of protecting the seagrass and maerl beds within the Waterway from mooring and anchoring activity.
In order to provide a facility as an alternative to anchoring, the Port of Milford Haven provide and maintain two ‘day visitor’ mooring buoys in Longoar Bay which is a popular sheltered anchorage. These were installed in 2015. The seagrass meadow here is small and patchy and in the south part of the bay.
The Port work with the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC Officer and Project Seagrass to raise awareness of and look after seagrass within the waterway. A seagrass information sheet is sent to all mooring holders within the waterway each year.
- Longoar Bay, Milford Haven Waterway